Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Child Abuse Prevention At Capital And Coast District...

Child Abuse prevention at Capital and Coast District Health Board 1. Purpose of this Briefing Paper This briefing paper aims to introduce a proposal that a nationwide district health board reporting system for suspected Child Abuse be undertaken, with a pilot programme at Capital and Coast District Health Board (CCDHB). This programme would help identify abused children and protect them from further harm. By having a system and reporting template in place, clinicians would be able to quickly identify abused children, provide appropriate care and able to refer these children to community-based agencies if need be. The benefit of a national reporting system would alert clinicians to children who have previously presented with suspected abuse at a hospital outside their DHB catchment area. Clinicians would be able to get a better picture of the circumstances surrounding these children. The goal is that a nationwide district health board reporting system will prevent children from being subject to further harm and that they can receive appropriate care from both health providers and go vernment agencies. 2. Background Child abuse is an important topic of heated debate in New Zealand. In New Zealand, child abuse is very common and has the fifth worst child abuse record out of 31 OECD (Organisation for economic Co-operation and Development) countries (1). In response to growing calls for action to be taken to protect children from abuse, the New Zealand Government releasedShow MoreRelatedRacism and Ethnic Discrimination44667 Words   |  179 Pagesand its repercussions in Indigenous cultures of the Pacific, Central and North 4.2.2 English colonization in the Caribbean Coast region 4.2.3 The Liberal policy in the Caribbean Coast: internal colonization 4.2.4 Afro-descendent communities in Nicaragua 4.2.5 Colonization through development models on Indigenous land 4.2.6 The autonomy process in the Caribbean Coast Development of a normative juridical framework Advances in the establishment of public policies and structural Read MoreInternal Revenue Code 1939278050 Words   |  1113 Pagesproceeding had or commenced in any civil cause before the said repeal, but all rights and liabilities under said acts shall continue, and may be enforced in the same manner, as if said repeal had not been made; nor shall any office, position, employment, board, or committee, be abolished by such repeal, but the same shall continue under the pertinent provisions of the Internal Revenue Title. 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